Thursday, March 11, 2010

Some items of Praise

Just wanted to take a few moments to publicly thank God for some stuff going on in my life...

First, the house is returning to normalcy. The new dry wall and painting are done. The new colors my wife picked look great. And most importantly we have a few days of peace and quiet before we head to the beach Sunday for the next week so the floors can be refinished. Given the hassle this whole water damage thing has been it is great to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Second, I hit 1000 friends on Facebook this week and it put me in mind of how amazing it is to be blessed to have so many talented, dedicated, and truly amazing people in my life. None of them are there by accident and I praise God for it.

Third, we had a great NASCAR weekend at Atlanta. We had some old friends over and made some new ones as well. Two highlights were seeing my old friend Brian Carty for the first time in 15 years and hosting the Motor Racing Outreach ministry staff for dinner at our place on Saturday night. I was really touched by Nationwide Series Chaplain Lonnie Clouse telling me about his plan to move his family to Mexico to work with orphans. Hearing Lonnie share his heart for children was a blessing.

Finally, I'm going fishing tomorrow. It's my first trip of 2010. Folks who know me know how much I enjoy hunting and fishing. Due to my achilles injury I didn't get to make a single trip deer hunting this past fall. (probably for the first time in 30 years) This injury showed me how much I take for granted the physical freedom God has blessed me with to do things that I enjoy. I will savor the time out tomorrow even if I don't get a bite.

So the words from the old doxology are definitely ringing true in my life...Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow!!!