Monday, November 23, 2009

A quick follow up word on college football officiating

If you follow ACC football at all you know that when you look up "terrible officiating" in the encyclopedia you see Ron Cherry's picture front and center. It doesn't matter who your favorite team is, everybody agrees that this guy and his entire crew are unmatched for incompetence.

The Ron Cherry circus took it to a new level on Saturday in Clemson. After scoring Clemson's first touchdown, tight end Dwayne Allen stood at attention and saluted towards the America flag. He then turned and jogged off the field. Allen was promptly cited for a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

Did I mention that it was military appreciation day at the stadium?

Saluting the flag on military appreciation day is "unsportsmanlike"? The ACC should apologize to Dwayne Allen, Clemson University, and most importantly to anyone who has ever served in the United States military for their ridiculous definition of sportsmanship.

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