Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why Would Anybody Want to Chair the SC GOP?

Anybody who knows my history knows I've done more than my fair share of work in the Republican Party. As a student, I was Chairman of the state College Republicans for two terms. As a young lawyer, I was the Chairman of my home county's GOP. I've been a delegate to the national convention, and in recent times I've often been asked to endorse candidates or serve on various finance committees. I love politics. Always have, probably always will. That said, I have no idea why anybody in their right mind would want to be the Chairman of the South Carolina GOP.

Ok, I know that this sounds extremely hypocritical given my background of activism....but hear me out.

Now that the GOP has pretty much completely achieved one party rule status in SC, I just don't see what allure being party chairman would have. By definition the Chairman has to stay impartial in primaries. The primaries are the only elections that matter any more in this state. Why run for a job that a) means you can't take sides and b) doesn't pay a thin dime? I don't get it. It's like not getting paid to not participate. I can do that at home without waging a statewide campaign.

Many years ago Henry McMaster took the office of GOP Chairman with the mantra of making Democrats so scarce in South Carolina that we'd have to hunt them with dogs. Under his leadership and that of Katon Dawson, that work was accomplished. What else is there to do? Beating Democrats in South Carolina is like me pushing over my 3 year old nephew. There's no challenge in it.

Moreover, given the number of "Republicans In Name Only" (RINO's) that currently populate many high ranking elected positions in SC, the last thing that a real conservative activist who wanted to change things would do is to take a position that where you'd have to carry water for some of those clowns. I'd rather hunt these RINO's than feed them.

What we really need in SC are political leaders who want to make these RINO's so scarce that we have to hunt them with dogs. If somebody wants to lead that charge, then sign me up. Otherwise, I just don't see the point.

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