Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Random things about me (11-15)

11. The Tommy Bowden "era" of Clemson football surely took 10 years off my life. I'm not sold on Dabo, but at least there's hope we won't continue to underachieve as we have in the past....Maybe now we can just expect and accept mediocrity.

12. My Grandfather and I shared the same birthday 60 years apart.

13. The best teachers I ever had taught me tons more outside of a classroom than they did inside of one. Thanks Walter Hogg, John Huggins, Billy Keels, Booker Ingram, David Gillespie, Tom Weaver and Jody Lipford.

14. I'm totally convinced my wife is a direct descendant of Job from the Bible. No way anyone could stay with me for as long as she has without patience that defies understanding.

15. I've never left the United States of America but I'm hoping to rectify that soon. My favorite places to visit in the US are Manhattan, Washington DC, and San Francisco. I don't particularly care for Las Vegas.

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