Monday, January 3, 2011

Answer I gave a friend about church

Been a while since I've posted, but it's a new year and I've got a lot to here goes

A friend asked me on Facebook yesterday if one had to go to church to be a "true" believer in Christ. Here is the response I gave him.

I do not believe that one must go to church to receive salvation. Salvation comes from believing in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and repenting of your sin. Nothing more is needed. Baptism, church attendance, giving tithes...none of these are required to go to heaven.

That said, I think it is entirely fair to think about what our response to God's undeserved and overwhelming grace through Christ should be. The Bible speaks to this as well. Christ said that those who love Him would keep His commandments. Similarly James wrote that faith without works is dead. In other words, if our faith is real and sincere, we will be motivated to obedience. If we believe that Jesus is who He says He is and that Christ did the things the Bible says He did, I can't imagine responding any other way.

Now, does the Bible speak to church attendance? Absolutely. See Hebrews 10:25 where Christians are told to meet together and encourage one another. I would also call attention to what Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians 12 analogizing the church to the body of Christ and explaining each part's dependence on the other. This makes sense as it is plain to see that a hand that is cut off from the rest of the body is of little use. The Bible also points out that Christ loves the church and analogizes the church to being Chirst's bride. Finally, and most persuasively to me, the Bible teaches that Christ Himself was a regular attender of church and if being a Christian is about being more like Christ, then there can be no greater example. See Luke 4:16 describing Christ's regular practice of attending church on the Sabbath.

So if you believe what the New Testament says about the way Christians should function together and you want to be like Jesus, then it is really hard to justify a careless attitude about attending church.

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